Thursday 22 April 2010

Question1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When creating my product, I used a lot of the forms and conventions of real media products in order to ensure that the music magazine that I produced was of a very high quality and looked like a genuine magazine that would sit on the shelf with real media products and not stand out due to it looking of low quality or unlike the rest of the magazines.
Images: I wanted to make sure that my images were of the highest quality and as clear as possible to ensure that they could be compared to, and look like, genuine music magazines. With my images, I wanted them to be very similar to the images in the magazine that I analysed, NME, as I believe that they have a very similar target audience and by using some of their codes and conventions, I believe that I accurately duplicated the results. The only thing that I did change about the images in comparison the pictures that were used in the NME that I analysed was that I didn't use any live performance shots as my magazine is much more clear cut due to the genre of music that my magazine features so it would not have been wise or appropriate of me to use lower grade images.
Fonts: I used the same font throughout my magazine as I believe that in order for the magazine to flow and make sure that all of the pages correspond with each other. This code is also used by the NME where there were only a few different fonts so that the magazine aesthetically went together.
Colour: The colours that I have used are very neutral and pastel as I wanted the colours that I used to be related and match the pictures that I took and used in my magazine which again ensured that all of the pages corresponded with each other and looked professional. Although I didn't use a similar colour scheme to the one in the NME cover that I evaluated, I believe that the colour scheme that I used in my final product was both effective and in accordance with my genre of music.
Layout: I would say that I used a very generic layout. I didn’t want to challenge or change any codes or conventions for the layout of my magazine as I believe that magazines only have one or two layouts that are used so by using anything other than this, it would have resulted in my product not looking like a magazine. To ensure that my product looked authentic, I just used the NME that I evaluated as a template for my magazine’s layout.

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